I am a huge fan of Do-It-Yourself projects around the house – as a former engineer I love taking things apart and putting them back together – but when it comes to business is it really the best way to go? Let’s talk about some of the common myths and misconceptions about DIY in building your marketing systems. Is it … Read More
Is Infusionsoft worth the investment?
In our last post, I talked about how a tool like Infusionsoft can save you both time and money. This week, I want to talk more specifically about one of the main questions I get from people thinking about upgrading to Infusionsoft. Infusionsoft is so expensive, is it worth it? The short answer is YES! There are many things to … Read More
Why Infusionsoft Actually Saves You Time And Money
As a small business owner, you have to juggle dozens of balls in the air at any given time. You have to keep tabs on customer relationships, sales, social media, advertisements, marketing materials, product distribution and so much more. Even if you’re advanced enough to delegate some of these responsibilities, you’re still in charge of managing your team! Infusionsoft is … Read More
The 5 Biggest Automation Bloopers You May Be Making
One reason some people resist automation is because of the potential for the egg-on-your-face mistakes that make us all cringe. We’ve all had it happen, something goes wrong and instead of “Dear Sean” we get “Dear <First name>” or we use a segmented list that doesn’t segment quite the way we expected. Here’s a list of the 5 biggest bloopers … Read More
Infusionsoft Ninja Trick – Make Your Infusionsoft Emails Look More Personal
I want to show you a cool trick today that helps to make your emails seem like they’re coming from a real person instead of a robot. This is cool because it addresses a common problem I see with people using Infusionsoft where their emails look like they’re actually written by a person. Instead they look like an automated email … Read More
Why Investing In Your Nurture Sequence Earns Great ROI
Last week we talked about measuring the ROI for team members. But there’s so much more to this topic. Today, let’s answer a question we get all the time about where to spend money on your business. “Where exactly should I spend my money to improve sales conversions? And, do I have to do it all myself?” One place where … Read More
Measuring ROI for Team Members
Today’s reader question: Can I measure the return on investment (ROI) of my team so I know whether I’m getting my money’s worth? As a business owner, it can often feel like you’re hemorrhaging cash and not having anything to show for it. This can include the expense of your team so it definitely makes sense to measure the ROI … Read More
How to use Infusionsoft as a CRM
Thank you to everyone who has submitted questions! This week, I want to answer a question we get a lot about Infusionsoft’s CRM Functionality. Question: “What is your advice for the best techniques for starting to use Infusionsoft as a CRM? Does Infusionsoft have any methods for importing contact information from business card scanners or cell phones?” One of the … Read More
Top 3 “Must-Have” Marketing Campaigns
One of the most common questions I get when starting with a client who is brand new to automation is “There’s SO much to do… where should I begin?” This is totally understandable – in a world where you can automate basically anything, where on earth should you start? Here’s our list of the top 3 “must have” campaigns to … Read More
Simple Guide to Internet Marketing Terms
If you’re new to the crazy world of marketing your products online, you may be confused by the myriad of slang terms used to describe parts of the system. Don’t quite have the grasp of the internet marketing terms yet? Never fear, we’re happy to explain. This article breaks down some of the most common ones! Campaign This is an … Read More